Please read these intructions carefully
This platform is NOT for payment of school fees.
It is for payment of sundry dues like:
- School dues
- Journal
- Union dues
- Project manual (NCE 2 students only)
- Departmental dues
- Laboratory dues (for some depts).
- It has been expanded to include payment by all students:
Regular NCE students
Part-time students
Sandwitch/Summer semester students
Undergraduate students
- Payment is non-refundable. Check well before payment.
- Do not pay directly to bank or POS. The money cannot be recovered.
- You can pay with:
- ATM card (ATM card details will be required).
- Bank transfer (done from this platform only. A code will be generated here before you can do the transfer.)
You can pay yourself or get anybody to pay for you. But make sure it is your matric. number,
name and other personal details required that is entered in the form you will fill before payment.
- An email address is required for receipt of payment, though you will still be able to print
a receipt here after payment. Use your own email, not that of Cafe operator. The email will be used
later as your username to log in.
- A fast internet connection is recommended.
- Receipt
After payment, you will see a Transaction successful page.
Dont leave the page yet. Be patient enough to see the receipt page.
Print the page as your receipt or save it as pdf for printing later.
Come to Dean's office with the printed receipt to collect the Journal
(and Project manual (200 level students)).
- If you paid but did not get the receipt page, come to Dean's office
with the Transaction reference number for reconciliation or printing of receipt.
- Begin payment by selecting your programme option below, or on the right side of this page.
Click here to view details of dues
RETURNING STUDENTS (or additional payments for department(s))
Welcome back.
To pay for this session, type your matric or your old receipt transaction number below, then click Login.
If you have problem with registration, send the transaction number of last session receipt and your matric number to whatsapp 08020995868.
NEW STUDENTS (or old students not registered before)